WAKE UP, America!!!

Today we need to be listening to some heavy metal and drinking Mad Dog 2020. The title is one of those books I want to write but never get around to it. (I actually have the chapter list written) So this will be the executive summary of my feelings.

Come on America Wake Up! We need everyone to take some common sense pills and make some changes. Most of us (me included) just sit back and let everyone else spout off on the issues and give their opinions. The internet and cable talk shows have taken this to a new level and are polarizing this country.  So here are some rules and observations:

1)      Stop watching reality TV. It is not reality. Everyone on it is looking for 15 minutes of fame.

2)      Don’t watch Cable news. They are playing to a particular audience and you will not get a balanced approach. ( Watch The Daily show with Jon Stewart instead)

3)      Stop shopping at Wal-Mart. The reason you are shopping at Wal-Mart is because you have lost your job. The reason you have lost your job is because Wal-Mart has most likely forced your old company to make their product s in China. (Buy from a local store and buy American)

4)      Our political system is broke. I don’t care which party is in charge. They are selling our souls to the devil and our kids and grandkids will suffer.

5)      We need to make our elections last no more than 6 months. We have created a system where someone needs millions of dollars to win an election. They sell their votes to the highest bidder. They don’t mean to but it is the only way to raise the money.   

6)      We need to teach financial skills in our high schools. The big companies have perfected the marketing of brand name clothes and credit cards. We need to give our kids the skills to rent an apartment, buy a car, save for retirement and understand interest rates & minimum payments.

7)      We need to live within our means. This means personally, the state we live in and the country we live in. Borrowing against our equity got us all in trouble. Borrowing against the future is getting our states and our country in trouble.

8)      There are bad people in the world. They are willing to do bad things to innocent people. We need to bad things to them. Stop handcuffing our military and holding them to an impossible standard.

9)      I don’t think the problem in our schools is only our teachers. You can’t pay for performance. The problem is social economic issues drive school performance.

10)    You don’t need a $ 4 coffee.

11)    Eat dinner together as a family. Talk about your day. Leave the TV off. You will be amazed as to what you might discuss.  

12)   Bring back PE at all school levels. We need more activity.

Please get pissed off. Vote in all elections. Vote with your pocket book. Vote with your remote. We need to make a change in this country.

About Jeff Kane

Sales Friendly High Tech CFO-with a COO mindset who is just throwing out my thoughts.
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2 Responses to WAKE UP, America!!!

  1. Joe Kauker says:

    Jeff, I loved your rant. We need to come up with a new party….not the Tea Party…..but a new party that embraces good old fashion hard work, everyone paying their own way, and government being there only for what was in the original constitution, not our current amended one that has been hyjacked by the last 80 years of “professional” politicians.
    If you want to fix something thats broke, simplify it. I suggest doing just two things and you will immediately start fixing what appears to be “just not right” with our current system:
    1) Any existing law that cannot be re-written on one sheet of paper must be abandoned. That would simply taxes, curb corruption, eliminate special interest groups, eliminate 95% of the lawyers out there, and put everyone back to work on projects that create value. Lets call it the one page rule.
    2) Politicians can not be re-elected (and with #1 they would have no motivation to use their influence to affect special favors). Lets call this the honest politician rule.

    Just two simple rules, the same two rules our founders followed the best they could.

    What I suggest, will not happen…unless what happened in the now famous book “Atlas Shrugged” written by Ayn Rand over 70 years ago actually comes true and we have a chance to have a “Do Over”. Hmmmmm…… maybe that’s what the party should be called, “The Do Over party” . Its something the lazy bastards on welfare might just vote for in their ignorance.


  2. Michael Geraghty says:


    SPOT ON sir !!!!! We are in dire need of a system wide reboot (computer geek coming out), it is very sad to think of the things my young children will never see and or do in their lifetimes due to the way America has changed. We have become more concerned with the rights and feelings of everyone, at the cost of what we know is correct, fair and just.

    Some of the topics in the public’s mind right now make me think we have yet to see the real decline of America, which scares the heck out of me. Treat people fairly, until they do something that warrants they not deserve fair treatment. Be proud of America and what it has taken to get to this point in history, do not be ashamed of our mistakes but rather learn from them.

    I watch the debate about immigration and think, as someone who emigrated from a foreign country, carried a Green Card for many years, became a US citizen, that the debate is prime example of what we need to address in this country. I love America, I respect its laws and freedoms afforded me. Laws are to be followed, not twisted by special interest groups, or applied as some “power broker” deems fit, but rather as they were intended. I am an American, not Irish-American, not Canadian-American, just plain old American.

    Just this last week, here in Yorba Linda – CA, a public service was held for a very brave young man that lost his life serving for our country. While watching the funeral procession as it drove through our town I was moved to tears to see all the thousands of people standing on the side of the road holding flags, or signs. It was a moment that will stay with me for a every long time, and yet I could not help but feel aghast at the number of folks that viewed this as a personal affront to themselves due to traffic delays. I saw several folks actively try to pass the procession, with no regards for the honor due this fine young HERO. Where did common courtesy go, who kidnapped decent behavior?

    You points Jeff are all too correct, and as wonderful a concept of a “Do-over” would be, I fear it will never be the same. Yes, I know I am old and remember the “good old times” with far too much fondness, but what is wrong with wanting my children to experience the joys I felt as a child. To learn right from wrong, and believe that our leaders are to be trusted and will always do what is best for our country, not their personal agenda.

    One of the best pieces of advice I ever got in my life was from my Father (not too uncommon I would guess), he told me to conduct my life with the motto; Fair is fair. I was not too sure I fully understood what he meant till I became older, but sure understand now. I just wish everyone was given such sage advice.


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